A 230w on the SS-15 is now considered over paneling, not clipping. lol It is probably the least expensive way to get all of the features while running a 230w panel. With MSView you wouldn't need a remote display.
The Eco-worthy 20a wouldn't clip but has limitations in Voc and features. That said it is still the least expensive functional MPPT controller out there. (well tested too)
A while back someone here was using the last series of tracer MPPT controllers, a 20a version I believe. The accuracy of the remote display was the only issue I remember.
There are other non main stream options but as I learned more, I learned to look deeper and deeper into their specs. I usually found some oddity like it required 40v, didn't have the features or just something that took it out of the running. The more controller options there are, the more you need to understand to choose wisely. Back when I started there was the SS-15 for $200 and the Rogue 30a for $325, a year later the Eco-w 20a for $102 came out. Those options have changed.