Gdetrailer wrote:
Besides, pushing a golf cart by hand doesn't sound like much fun when the group27s decide to give out at the wrong time..
Thanks to all for their opinions and suggestions. I am fully aware that 6-8's is the "best" for long term and long range carting. That was not my question. I simply wondered if a 48 volt golf cart charger would have a problem dealing with four batteries instead of six. I did not see how it could, as it will still be "seeing" 24 cells. The cart will probably see a couple of years of light duty before it is gone. $300 is less than $600.
I am not worried about being stranded 500 feet from home and having to use my ATV to drag it to my site. I find it hard to believe that Johnson Controls would label some of their batteries "Deep Cycle" and others on the adjacent shelf "Deep Cycle/Marine Starting". The double rating for 6's is a play on words as two six's equal 220 AH and two of my group 27DC's equals 218 AH when both are talking 12 volt.