This is like hearing "Anyone Know What This Button Does?"
In a nuclear reactor control room...
Electrical codes, diagnosis, repair and modification are done according to a strict protocol for a reason. Unless you know what the NEC is, what it stands for and have a journeyman's level of knowledge AND experience, please do not risk someone else's life. Risking YOURS is OK, you are an adult. But offering simply dangerous tips and information to someone else ain't cool.
Similarly, only a double-digit individual would proceed with a project with no knowledge and understanding. Working with wood, or garden spade is vastly different from troubleshooting and working with lethal voltage. What you may THINK is right, and THINK works "O.K." may kill you or someone else.
As an M.E.E. I had to put in my two-cents worth here sans humor or sarcasm except for the first paragraph. I constantly straighten out dangerous wiring and systems down here. I do it by the numbers. No guesswork. Being the victim of or witnessing an electrocution is not on my bucket list. Death can be near instantaneous with the most "innocent" of "mistakes".