Grit Dog: its ok I can be defensive and come off as un greatful and ignorant, Never intend to come off that way its just how I am. But I don't worry about them. The roof is bassicly flat, it doesn't have a arch to it, well it does but its so small and the way the plywood is waving its almost not there. it basically a flat roof at this point. altho I never thought about the roll roof. but pricing it here locally is going to cost me almost $300.00 just for 3 rolls though it is an idea, I'll keep looking for a cheaper price of it, I'm still open to idea's I haven't finalized what I am using yet for the water proofer. still busy working on taking the old roof deck off and puting the new on.
Just went out to inspect the roof again and it is flat on top with a slight ease on the sides.
Also I was wondering the refrigerator in it is not the Original will i need a roof vent for it if i decided to move it to another location? right now it has the side panel to access the plug and the roof vent for the Original just want to remodel the Kitchen area so would I need a side vent and roof vent?