Forum Discussion

tvenetis's avatar
May 01, 2015

8000 Watt Generator help

I have a Daton 8000 watt generator with a 2 cylinder briggs engine on it which runs fine but the gen is not putting out power. I disconnected the wires going to the brushes and I put 12 volts to the brushes and I got 70 volts out of the 110 outlet. How do I test the other components in the panel thanks.
  • On the slip rings it reads 5 omes and slip ring to ground open circuit
  • It would help if you could post images of whatever electronics power the brushes. In other words the field power. Lift the brushes. Stick a swatch of writing paper under them to insulate the brushes from the copper slip rings.

    With a multi-meter, measure ohms resistance across the slip rings. Then set the meter for high ohms and measure Megohms from either slip ring to rotor steel. What do you get?
  • I was wondering if some one with the same generator could give me the serial numbrerr for it so generac tech support can help me thanks
  • I found out that the daton was made by generac and it is a generac model 9404 but generac can't help me without a generac serial number.
  • Does the generator have what looks to be a big motor starting capacitor? If yes, substitute a known good capacitor of the same voltage and rating