I run into the same problem all the time. I have a trickle charge charger that I hook up and let it run for several hours with its low settings. Then I can hook up my VEC1093DBD and let it do its thing.
Car START batteries do not like being discharged all the way down for sure. You will lose a bunch of performance once they go all the way down. The deep cycle batteries are alittle more forgiving but do about the same thing. Once the get below the 50% charge state then they also drop off on performance.
The game plan is to plan where neither one gets belows the 50% charge state (Around 12.0VDC ever!!!)
You might want to use a trickle charge or small solar panel on your parked vehicles when left unattended for a long length of time. My JEEP used to sit alot when we were on camping trips. I just layed one of those small solar panels on the dash behind the wind shield where it would get full sun a big part of the day. Plugged it into the 12VDC cigarette lighter socket that was always connected when the ignition key was removed and always keep the Jeep start battery topped off - ready to go...