Yeah I see a great deal of information about running wires and actual connections but I was looking for help with choosing a panel. There seems to be many versions out there. You guys are helping me! I understand the panel is going to be a SUB panel as the main panel is the outlet in which I plug the shore line into at the campsite. Last night, I inspected my 1970 travel trailer that I referenced in my original post. I see that they used a 120v box and not a 120/240. If this is a sub panel then why do they have the 30amp fuse prior to the tandem 20 amps. Remember I have never dealt with this before but I am brave enough to pretend I know what I am doing? Side question: if I do use a 120/240 - can you elaborate on this a little more. I guess I don't quite understand how a panel works. I am going to go do a little research on that as soon as I post this question.
Ok so I educated myself a little more. Do I have this correct? The shore power cord has three wires: neutral, ground, hot. Home applications would have 4 coming from the main power source: neutral, ground, and 2 hots. A 120v panel would only have one hot bus bar and a 120/240 would have two. If I use a 120/240, I simply would not hook up the second hot bus bar. Are circuit breakers 120 specific as well?