So today I took the my multi meter and the trouble shooting instructions and checked the t-stat in all it choices of function ( fan only, fan and compressor, fan low and compressor, etc) and had the needed 12 volts in all settings. I then went to the control box in the return air duct in the ceiling under the a/c unit and had 12 volts there.
What I did find is there is no 115 volt power to the a/c unit even though the power control system shows power to both a/c units.
I guess I will now back track to the power control system to see if there is an issue there that is causing it to deny power to the rear a/c unit.
All breakers from the generator to the breaker panel have been reset the power control system seems like the next logical place to look.
Anyone know if there is any type of reset or fuse in the power control unit?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.