SUPPORT the connector wire with bricks, a stick, whatever it takes. Do not trust the connect if when making the connection to the "outlet" a bit of a push is needed to let the plug enter the socket.
Dammit how many times is it going to take to impress the fact that an AC restating on high head can draw FIFTY AMPERES? Yes it is for a short time. Just long enough for a loose or corroded contact in the plug or receptacle to glow red hot. This causes a majority of the "Jeez, it draws 12 amps it shuddn't have caught fire" complaints. Then "What!? Three hundred bucks for a new compressor!?"
Check the receptacle temperature with your hand after a half hour. if it has grown warm, you will have a problem probably sooner than later. Same for the plug cord. Disconnect.
But PLEASE !!!
Lose the so-many-amps running diatribe when it comes to an AC motor, that restarts under a heavy load. The run amps stats are a trap.