ScottG wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
Capacitors START the motor and the compressor. They are not needed/used once the compressor is running. IF the system is tripping the 30 amp also, that points to a defective compressor. The compressor starts and slowly the amp draw rises until it goes over 20 amps. You need to check the amp draw of the compressor as it is running, and monitor for 30 minutes. IF it is over 15 amps, it is defective. Doug
Correct - they help start the motor. They are not being used after that but they are always in the circuit so if one were to short while the AC is running, it will stop everything.
The cap is not removed from the circuit once the motor starts, it just isn't necessary any more. It has to stay in the circuit to be charged again.
Possible, BUT, I have been repairing RV AC units for 36 years and have NEVER seen such a problem. Doug