Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I put a meter on the unit and after a few minutes of running after the compressor came on I saw a reading of 13.35amps. I turned fridge on gas and made sure everything else was off and checked main 30amp breaker draw and the reading was exactly the same at 13.35amps. Now I didn't get out there until 6:00pm and the weather had cooled off some but still in the low 90's. I let it run for about two hours with the thermostat set on 60 so it would not cycle and rechecked. 13.65amps. Where in the hell am I picking up over 6 amps from to trip the breaker?????? I noticed when the compressor started up that the meter had a spike in the 41 amp range but it's a cheap little meter without min/max recall capability so I'm not sure how accurate it was. Does anyone know what the peak draw at compressor start up should be?? Does anyone think the start capacitor could be just weak but still working some?? When it heats up in the hottest part of the day and the compressor cycles the start up draw is what's doing it due to a weak but still functioning capacitor?? I took the cover off and the capacitor looks fine. No corrosion, leaking, or bulging at all. I did pull what looked like factory insulation tape off the cover so I'm assuming it's original.
I'm at a loss that it lines out under 14 amps and will kick the 20 amp and sometimes the 30 amp breaker. ??????