Electrical code only allows one power feed to an outbuilding (exception is for exterior lights, but nothing else can be on that circuit).
The most economical cable is probably MHF 2-2-2-4 and can easily carry 60A the 150' to the barn where you must install a sub-panel (space, 12 circuit). From there you can run more MHF 2-2-2-4 to another 225' to another sub-panel. All of this would carry 240V. MHF is aluminum and cost a lot less than copper. (That last 225' in copper would probably require 6/2 copper which actually cost more)
Do it right ! The cable and thesub-panels will cost about $500. Digging the trenches could be expensive. If the trenches are dug and the material is all on hand, a good electrician could do that job in one day.