So, ... bank switching.
When one bank is depleted, switch to the other, fully-charged bank, using an "Off-Bat1-Both-Bat2" switch (as in Roy Ken's diagram) in the "loads" circuit.
But I would want my solar charger to charge the now off-line, depleted bank. So I guess a second switch in the "charge" line, in addition to the switch in the "loads" circuit would do that; allowing the solar to charge either bank independent of which one is used for loads.
And storage without shore power? I won't be around to monitor and switch banks. So hopefully then at least I could charge the old+new banks in parallel ("both" position on the "charge" switch, "off" position in "loads" switch), without destroying the new batts.
And whaddya do if neither bank has enough juice to get you through the night, but both together do? Get up at 2am and switch?
Dunno, but maybe buying four new batteries would be worth it after all. Certainly would be a lot easier.
Am going to have to think about this for awhile.
Many thanks for all the good advice.