Wow I got beat up pretty bad with my comments.... I guess I should refrain from offering any of my experiences from over the years... I see this was a statement from me and not my usual quoted experience...
I have not done much around the large motorhomes but have dealt with many of the smaller trailers including the fifth wheel type. I have actually been asked by neighbor campers if I could get into their trailer for them a couple of times over the years. Using the same key solved both of those problems haha... I guess with my working around the campers working out of my big truck toolbox gets me in trouble... "Hey go ask that guy - he has tools...."
I had one incident where my door lock would not work and I was able to send one of the camp ground kids up through the storage door which had a section that opened up directly up to the bedroom area for a dirty clothes drop. They were able to open the lock for me from the inside. I also have another incident on the same trailer later on where I opened the door using a large flat screwdriver after the main lock quit working again... Was very amazed how easy it was to gain entrance.
My OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer which I use the most when camping you can gain entrance by slipping your hand behind the VELCRO around the window flaps where it ties into the mounted door assy after you get setup. You can just simply reach inside and open the door from the inside. I do this alot when carrying in supplies from town. It is quicker than putting down all of the bags and finding the keys in your pocket.
I was trying to help with my comments. Guess it was my time to be in the barrel... That certainly will not happen again about gaining entrance using a large flat blade screwdriver in a statement...
"Sorry about that Chief" as Don Adams would say...
This is the second time this has has happened this week on different subjects. May have to check my meds... May have outlived my welcome...
Roy Ken