I really am impressed at all the helpful advice, but Soundguy woke me up to something I hadn't thought of, but my electrician probably would have caught. We live where the summer daytime temperatures rarely hit 80 mid day and nights drop into the low 40s, so no one has ac. As a result we have 50 amp service in the home. And for us at least, every major energy using appliance runs on propane. So even if th next rig has 50 amp service, which I'm sure it will, a 30 amp install will suffice. Most of our camping is in the desert nearby and wintering in the Phoenix area. So we miss not having 50 amp for more ac in the summer campouts and not being able to run our WH, microwave and toaster, etc., at the same time while full timing in winter. So 30 amp is what I'll have put in. And guests with their own RVs will have to do with that.