The tech support guy for the UPG AGM121 battery outfit said that AGMs will indeed stratify if left on a long float. That gets fixed when they are cycled again. He said you don't need to give them a boost every month like with flooded batts on a float, but once a year was enough.
He warned against overcharging them such as equalizing in case they vent. You can't just replace the water like with flooded. He liked the pulse method of reconditioning instead. 14.8 stop 14.8 stop 14.8 stop is how he described the pulse method that pulse chargers do. One is the CTEK 7002 he mentioned.
I don't know how Mr Wizard gets away with zapping his AGMs with 15.4 volts for a few minutes when they get a little sulfated from several incomplete cycles in a row. (What I call "progressive capacity loss" same as with flooded batts) I guess the key is the short duration he does it.