EDIT--the CTEK manual seems to use "Recondition" as the high voltage method for equalization or whatever. IMO DO NOT use that with an AGM.
The "Desulphation" mode seems to be the pulse method such as Vector uses that Vector calls "recondition"
The CTEK "pulse" thing has nothing to do with any of that; it is just an on/off thing for when on Float
The issue here is to also have a charger that can do the needed goosing every so often besides just a low and slow charger.
The tech guy at UPG thought the CTEK 7002 pulse method mode/stage would be a good substitute method of goosing the AGM without risk of overcharging it.
However there is much debate over the true value of the pulse method where lab testing has been inconclusive (last I heard anyway) because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
SoundGuy--can you get your WFCO to do the higher amp charging as needed to complement the 7002's work?