pianotuna wrote:
Hi John,
500 watts per cell does not equate to 3000 watts per jar. The cells are in series not in parallel.
800 A x 12 volts = 9600 watts. That works out to 1600 watts per cell.
Perhaps I am not understanding what you are trying to say?
Yes, I get crazy looks when I test at stores with a Kill-a-watt unit before I purchase.
full_mosey wrote:
The telcos I have spec 800A max and 500W per cell(3000W per jar) along with duration specs. I am very comfortable with testing capacity with 700-800W draws.
Also, I have been acquiring 120V appliances that work with the 1000W inverter.
My bad! In my defense all I can say is to note what time I posted. I am at an RV rally and got in late.
I like the comment by BFL13 where he says in short, that AGMs are, at least, better in a useful way. And no, I was not offended, but just wanting to be clear I was not condoning brutal tests to AGMs that would not also be performed on FLAs. I believe I pushed my 53lb Deka too much. It was already 5yo and had been treated like carp for the entire time. I was ready to put it down and was not looking forward to using/trusting it for another season.
I look forward to participating in testing and reporting. I have not yet run a capacity test this year. I am willing to accept suggestions for testing and record keeping.