Properly cared for flooded lead acid batteries are remarkably maintenance free. Even though I am near 70, if I cannot get off my dead rear end once a month for fifteen minutes of battery maintenance, I am going to start shopping for caskets.
The reason for the 10 cents is to establish some value for labor because AGM folks should be allowed to subtract that cost during the lifetime of the AGM. We prepaid for that labor in the cost of the battery.
With the previous example of monthly costs $8.48 and $4.24 for AGMs and wets I suggest that the AGM owner can subtract $1.50 from $4.24 giving $2.74/mo.
What is the next procedure that wets have that AGMs don't that we can give a labor cost?
An astute reader can see it won't take too long before the $2.74 becomes a negative and the tables are turned.