AGM's are Lead Acid. same as Flooded wet. Only more expensive and a few other things I won't bother with.
The PD tapers off when recharging Lead Acid batteries..
Ideally a 9245 would push 45 amps till it's like 90% then taper off rapidly but many people have shown that's not how it works.. It tapers off almost from the instant it starts.. Now.. as it happens I know why it does that but. Beyond this post.. And the folks who did the testing explain it rather well.
Here is part of it
Charger (PD9245)------ Wire----(Also known as a low value resistor)------- Battery.
As the battery charges the difference in voltages between the PD-9245 and the battery is reduced. as current = Voltage/Resistance. the wire leads cause (both inside and outside the converter) cause the charge rate to slow.
NOTE that the only convrters that do not do this are very expensive with "Remote Sense" leads (two sets of leads that connect to the battery one heavy (Charge) and one light weight (Sense) the Sense leads read the voltage AT THE BATTERY.
I've never seen one save on paper.
Source: Other threads in this very collection of Forums.
I do not have links.
This is what the salesman says happens:
Alas I could not quickly find a link to what does happen.
But it's not square corners. it's more a smooth curve.
As I said. it was heavily discussed on one of the boards here. a few years back.