I knew things were bad when I last chatted with the president of Battery Council International in 1994. He was obsessed with "recylalbility" I brought up the subject of specifications, he rattled on about ease of lid removal to get at the plates, I spoke of decreasing antimony content, he babbled about recovery of sulfuric acid percentages. I wanted consumer protection in the form of industry standards that were to be made mandatory - he gibbered on and on, sounding like an aluminum beer can recycle recovery lab. Finally I got fed up: "If you want excitement in plate additives try depleted uranium".
There was dead silence. "Oh great!" he moaned "We are trying to standardize recovery issues and you want to throw radioactivity into the mix".
Some people just cannot take a joke. The manufacturer I was representing, had turned white as a sheet.
That's when I realized the bulk of the industry had just lost touch with planet earth.
Instead of acting like idiots, the BCI should be focusing on establishing a Pb purification mill in the deserted wasteland of northern Mexico. Shooting for a figure of 99.99% purity. That's about as likely as convincing US and State government agencies that a key to economic booming is hinged on affordable energy prices.