With an algorithm appropriate for AGM rather than flooded an AGM will 50% to 100% charge in about 2/3rds the time that it takes a 5% flooded antimonial battery. Some such as Lifeline, beat that by several percentage points.
A KEY the fundamental base for determining charge limit of an AGM is the rapidity of temperature rise as monitored in all cells. This sophistication is not suitable for the inexperienced. I have done a 55 amp hour replacement in my 31 Lifeline in 56 minutes. With thermocouple feedback control the AGM is a whole different animal. And no, rapid recharging is not preferred. There is little to gain and risk involved.
But the AGM will continue to be measured against LiPo with a built-in handicap of a non-optimum charging protocol. I keep harping about INSTANTANEOUS achievement of max bulk charging application but I feel I'm wasting my fingers doing so.
So one of the contestants continues to be a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest.