There is more H.S. surrounding battery types than any 20 riding stables.- Use the same radial grid layout
- Add .010" thickness to the plates
- Slap on a different label
- And suddenly Clark Kent is wearing blue leotards and a cape that would have done Liberace proud.
If a group 24 advertises more than 450 CCA, a group 27 more than 500 CCA, a 31 600 CCA [COLOR=]It's a fraud!!! A scale and a carbon load test do not lie.
MARINE my ass. Grade E to S plates (cured paste) with standard .040" standard paste, different terminals, less warranty and higher price is a sucker deal. Period. I can spend seven hundred dollars for 4 Rolls & Surrette group 27 batteries, and they will outlast and outperform 4 mass-market so-called Deeeeeeeeeep Cycle batteries by a factor of four to one lifespan. Unless obsolescence is a factor, if you didn't come up with the right answer then join the crowd.