For the 50th time
Hear Ye!
Hear Ye!
IGNORE anyone who claims that AGM batteries lose water. They are opinionated with no education. PERIOD. Like listening to a taxi driver lecture about nuclear physics from the front seat.
AGM batteries hav e recombinant cell caps that only open when pressure in the cell reaches a critical level. 100.00000000000% of H2O is cooled then precipitates back into solution. And the cell remains 100.0000000% sealed.
I have never had an AGM battery vent Ever! unless a potential of 17 let's spell that SEVENTEEN volts is approached. Even after a full reovery (more severe than reconditioning) before and after precision weighing on my NIST certified platform scale revealed less than .25 ounce loss in the entire six cells. FOUR HOURS at 16.90 volts.
At a loss for words or positive pressure in your windpipe about these numbers?
Too lazy or obstinate to download and READ the Lifeline battery manual? Well then you would have made a short-lived bomb defuser.
No experience with your chosen subject area? They are always looking for taxi drivers.
I had to learn the facts by trial and error, before anyone printed a manual. I questioned the sanity of a spiral cell AGM battery manufacturer over the telephone from down here who said sixty amps divided by 12 group 31 batteries was "perfectly rational" for a cruising sailboat. The conversation was broadcast inside the vessel to a dozen skippers listening in. I had to fight my way up the ladder to get to a genuine engineer on that one.
I am not and never have been amused by fools pretending to be experts. They prey on the innocent. My built-in BS detector overloads my control on my temper.