"Gawd Maude, I Gots Me A Bullet Wound!"
"Nuthin that a little sassafras tea and mudpack can't cure"
The ONLIEST thing a SHORT STOP will do is eliminate transient voltage spikes in excess of 28-32 volts.
Wait! Make that TWO THINGS! Your wallet will lose weight.
But for the benefit of the Techie crowd here, I constructed links to eBay sites that actually have components to make a true 12-volt de-spiking system. It's parsecs ahead of a single stupid MR2535. The greater the spike amplitude the shorter the exposure time frame. The OVERLAPPING voltage protection of the three devices makes this system work. The response time of the TVS (middle item) is less than a nanosecond. For work in the 18-28 volt region, the MOV has lots of slow response capacity and a voltage spike that consumes a few thousand amps above 28vdc is something I got to see in person. Therefore the MR2535 has it's place.
But none of this stuff will be the slightest help in curing electrical problems not directly related to electronic component degradation due to transient voltage spikes. IE: A visit to the podiatrist would do little to cure vision problems.
Nothing is sadder than seeing someone ignore qualified advice and getting taken for a ride. To each his own.
PS For transient protection at the converter, add a 470uf 63 volt electrolytic capacitor to maximize protection.