Trends and tendencies is hard to be when simplicity and utmost low cost is concerned. But accuracy of readings which includes -repeatability- and stability is crucial. For a shock, read some of the Amazon reviews that were posted about the DROK.
That measuring device is rated up to 33 volts but the display power can only tolerate 12 - 24 volts. Having a separate (yellow) sense lead is intelligent. Too many two wire LED voltmeters have the display "robbing" the measuring circuit. This is caused by undersized circuitry which is a flagship error of Chinese engineering. Some of those "bargain" two wire voltmeters have THIRTY gauge leads and circuitry with even less ampacity than that.
As far as connecting the DROK three-wire is concerned it only needs to be connected to a circuit that does not volt-slump when that's circuit's load is enabled. Meaning the meter leads need to see precise battery voltage.
Connect the red and yellow wires together for polarity positive. Connect the black wire to chassis negative. For weekend use the meter amp hour consumption is negligible - a flooded battery self discharges at a greater rate.