I have not changed the charge rate.
From the same Ah removed, my 700 deep cycle battery achieves absorption voltage in less time than it did at 200 deep cycles, and the amps take longer to taper to the full charged threshold of 0.5% of capacity
Stretch out that tapering part of your Graph as the batteries age/ accumulate cycles.
I've also noted that the more cycles I accumulate without a full recharge, the longer it takes for amps to taper to 0.5% of capacity at Vabs
In addition to that, the more cycles I accumulate where the low and slow solar's 200 watts only, is doing the bulk of the work, that the time it takes for amps to taper to 0.5% of capacity increases.
The 40 or 65 amp blast I give this 90AH TPPL Northstar AGM group 27, seems to reset it to a large degree and the subsequent recharges have amps taper to 0.5% of capacity quicker again, at least until the partial state of charge, or low and slow cycles start accumulating again.
I have also noticed that when new, if I leave the voltage up at 14.7v, amps would continue tapering to 0.0x amps. Now after many low and slow cycles or partial state of charge cycles this will stop tapering at 0.2 amps. BUT, if I drain it to well below 50% and hit it with 65 amps, and then hold it overnight at 14.7v, amps will taper to 0.1 and flash between 0.1 and 0.0.
I've not accumulated any trends and tendencies experiences with other AGM's, yet, but I will get one of the 3 AGMS which claim no Upper Amperage limit, one that is capable of being attained anyway. Northstar, Odyssey, and Lifeline.
Each time I have blasted My AGM with 40 or 65 or as high as 106 alternaqtor amps from well below 50% SOC, it seems much of the performance of this battery is returned to higher levels, and I find this impressive.
As I do use mine for engine starting, and house duty deep cycling, I will likely sacrifice some unknown number of total deep cycles for the significantly higher CCA of Odyssey or Northstar over the Lifeline, though all are similar in price and availability to me.
I will also prefer to cycle 100Ah to 50% than 200Ah to SOC 75%, as I do not power large inverter loads, and I'd rather the 50% battery suck up high amps for longer in bulk from my manually adjustable voltage alternator or 65 amps of combined grid powered sources.
I'd rather carry 64 less Lbs of lead too.
I'd also like for my limited solar wattage to be able to achieve a higher overall charge rate for the capacity I do carry, which I think we have established is important to an AGM's cycle life, with Smitty's L-16's, though his SOC meter and it possibly causing premature e floatulation could be a culprit too.
I am working out a way to fit another 100 watts to my roof. Still I doubt I will go over 100Ah of capacity of a group 31, and might never have a dedicated engine starting battery, as that seems like wasted capacity, and space, in my rig/usage/intents.
As far as a cheap flooded dedicated starting battery, I do not think I can stomach purchasing anything like the battery on the left ever again: