I doubt at this point you are going to be able to restore any capacity, or that lowering the Ah capcity of the bank is going to do anything but affect the % readout.
Long extended absorption times at this point might just prevent further degradation, but then again if the batteries are dried out from overabsorption then extended absorption will just
If as you say the float threshold is triggered by the SOC %, then lowering the AH capcity would jst seem to have it end absorption even more prematurely, which is likely why the banki has underperformed in the longevity department.
As far as amps starting out at a certain level when recharging, then increasing, I've only witnessed that on a very depleted battery when it is reading below 11 volts, and on an equalizing battery when no further raising of specific gravity is happening and the temperature is rising and in the beginnings of thermal runaway. In the former situation, as soon as the battery is at 11 volts or more, usually within the first few minutes, it has awoken and will accept everything the charging source can make. In the latter the amperage climb has always been slow and is accompanied by a rise in battery temperature, and I have always dropped the voltage back to either absorption or float or removed the charging source from the battery.
I've never seen my AGM start out at 30 amps, then slowly ramp up to 40 amps. If depleted enough it always starts out at 40 amps and stays there until voltage ramps up to the absorption voltage setpoint I have chosen, then amps taper for as long as I leave it running.