GordonThree wrote:
77rollalong wrote:
I have one Arduino mini that I have setup for a key pad/ RFID door lock on our motorhome so I dont have to worry about loosing my keys at the beach. working on another that uses GPS and a fuel flow monitor to give me MPG or Gallons per mile as well.. next will be the monitors of the tank levels and other controls as well with a touch screen display
Details on the fuel flow sensor?
I was thinking about putting one on the propane line. Hall effect, ultra sonic or microwave.
I have found a project on line that someone had done, and went from there.. here is a like to that https://open.library.ubc.ca/media/download/pdf/52966/1.0074464/1
as our motor home is older it has no engine electronics to get fuel flow or speed info off OBD port