Feb 04, 2014Explorer
Since we decided to keep our Norcold N821 instead of going residential, I looked around for safety features. I pulled my fridge our and checked all the cooling tubes. They have minor rust but not ba...
KJINTF wrote:Hooked up the cable and program today. Yes, I can see the "live" temp readings from the unit. What would be nice is to watch this as I drive around and see it live. Only way would be to leave the laptop on the dash with a USB extension cord.
The data logging will OPEN your eyes to what's really happening
Download the software from the ARP web site along with the many free documents. The controller outputs a data stream via a 5 or 6 pin in line connector, which I belive is a simple RS232 5Vdc data stream. I use an embedded micro processor conversion cable to get USB serial data to the rigs computer system. The controller outputs both a deliminated text file and two MS Excel formated data streams 2003 / 2007. Take a look at the supplied Excel templates which you can easily optimize for your unique situation.
A few degrees off level and **WOW** the temp climbs