larry cad wrote:
All of the above are good suggestions, but here are couple more:
1. The ground wire is critical for proper operation and must have a clean connection to ground. That connections frequently gets corroded under the head of the screw that holds the wire to the furnace. Just taking the screw out and reinstalling it works sometimes. A better fix is to clean the metal surface and the wire/screw with a wire brush and then reinstall. Be sure it is tight.
2. If you have cleaned the electrical connections on the board with emory cloth, you may have cleaned off the connection surface too. A simple repair is to use a solder gun and silver solder to restore those surfaces. Just heat up the gun or iron, and melt some silver solder onto the strips. I have done this in the past and it does work.
I would try the ground wire first.
I think that's what happened.