rfsod48 wrote:
This is getting very confusing to me. Are there any electrical engineers on the member list who might be able give data proven advise? To surge protect or not, to Autoformer or not?
Three issues
Voltage control
Bad wiring protection
Damaging electrical spikes
Using an autoformer is a very good idea but many misunderstand and believe autoformers are the ultimate in protection. They by themselves are NOT. Transient voltage protection is also vital.
Go ahead and get your autoformer. And yes, I am an electrical engineer a documented MEE. And cranky as hell. I am trying to educate folks and quash folklore myths.
Something to chew on. THE FAILURE RATE OF PORTABLE ELECTRONICS IS MUCH HIGHER IN A RIG THAN FOR THE SAME APPLIANCE IN A HOME e en when using voltage correction devices. This is especially true of rigs that stay in RV parks or public campgrounds. There are reasons why...