Also, one thing to be aware of with an autotransformer is there is NO isolation provided by the transformer. the input and output sides share a common neutral, unlike a more conventional transfomer with primary and secondarys isolated.
NOT completely true
there are autoformers that are isolation transformers
just because a $400 Hughes is not Isolation , does not mean they don't exist
Sola makes them so do others
48watt loss, so watt? pun in intended
the loss is on the output side of the pedistel , that the camper is paying for
the camper paid for his site, he still can't use any more power, than any body else, hes getting the same volts at the same amps, and if the breaker trips, he has to turn something off to reduce his load
all he is doing is protecting his A/C and appliances from the low voltage
and giving up a few watts of power to external heat , instead of inside power use
I never ran an absorption fridge on electric, unless i ran out of propane,
it was always LP even if plugged in someplace with full hookups, and i very seldom ran out of LP
there are many people here that run the RV absorption fridge on electric 300+watts plus your HW and the A/C and you want throw stones at somebody that uses an autoformer to protect his Appliances ?
i know some of you have residential fridge, like me
are you going to say you DONT want to protect that fridge from low voltage ?
my fridge is ALWAYS protected from low voltage, its on an inverter,
it the converter and A/C that will suffer IF i camp where there is low voltage (and before somebody pipes in , my inverter does not have 'pass thru', i do have an external TS i added so my generator will power the fridge when running, but on the few times i use shore power, that TS is NOT in use)
I don't use hook ups very often, but IMO somebody with an autoformer is NOT stealing anything
110v 30amps = 3300va, 100v 30amps 3000va
when the voltage goes low your available power goes low, you cannot get anymore than 30, and actually a little bit less
resistance heat devices will use less power, AKA fridge heating element and water heater, you might not notice the difference in your shower, but you sure will in your fridge, and you are going to wish you had an autoformer, unless you switch the fridge to lp so the beer stayed cold and the ice cream hard
this power stealing debate is almost as useless as the dodge chevy ford truck debate