pianotuna wrote:
Hi all,
I've heard folks saying autoformers "steal" power from the campground and hence from other campers. Here is my understanding of what happens.
The total wattage remains the same less about 4% overhead for running the autoformer.
The volts come by swapping amps for volts.
Input to autoformer (not including 4% overhead)
100 volts X 12 amps = 1200 watts
Output from the autoformer
120 volts x 10 amps = 1200 watts.
What I see missing from this calculation is fact that if undersized wiring drop the voltage to 100V under 10 amps draw, it is going to drop even more when you start pulling 12amp.
Meaning you neighbor suddenly is having 90V
If the wire has certain capacity, putting "vacuum" on it means somebody else has to get less.