So sounds like you already have a generator, and if so then we should presume that you also already have an ATS switch built into the system…
So you question seems centered around adding another ATS switch at the inverter’s output…
This is very common, but the problem is that your OEM Converter-Charger will then become operable (via inverter) and attempt to charge the batteries while the inverter is on - a ‘round robin affair’…
So the solution is:
a) at the existing OEM ATS, add a ‘parallel line’ at it’s 120v output (which normally supplies the main panel ONLY) to go to the newly installed ATS input, and the inverter output to the generator side of the new ATS…In this way, power will cascade properly (no sinusoidal conflict - shore power the priority) whether inverter is On or OFF…IF no shore or genny power is present, the inverter (IF in standby…) will kindly take over the load without interruption…Note, the PD’s time delay can be defeated (see manual)…
b) dedicate the new ATS switch output to drive a small sub-panel…Relocate any circuits (and breakers) that you wish to power-up via the inverter (say like, microwave, refer, household receptacles, etc) from the main to the new sub-panel….New sub will then receive power from either of the aforementioned sources (see item ‘a’), but the key here is that ‘inverter power’ cannot flow backwards (say to supply the Main panel, or converter-charger)…In this way, shore power (or generator) will power-up simultaneously both the main and the sub, but the inverter will only supply circuits relocated to the sub…
3 tons (Feel free to PM me…)