Me, me, me.
All caps for emphasis is easier to read and makes controversial subjects very clear. People can make statements orally and not raise their voice, Tonal inflection is not possible in print. I have recently adopted use of *xxxxxxxx* to make effect without caps.
I was told 50 years ago, choose one, either the aircraft or it's manifest was necessary to get AV gas. Eleven airports between San Jose and Sacramento was pretty darn convincing.
The issue was and I suppose still is the avoidance of paying road tax to the state of California. I also tried in Reno NV before they had a general state tax and was told at McCarren airport no ticket no wash.
Benefits of AV gas? Heck if a chainsaw or outboard operates OK on Mexican refined gasoline, then demanding aviation fuel is a little picky don'tcha think? Like Aviation lube oil. The advantages are specific for aircooled engines. With gasoline the elimination of carburetor icing.