ajriding wrote:
older airplanes were built for leaded gas. Newer ones do not use leaded gas. if you can still get leaded gas it will be ONLY for those airplanes that HAVE to burn it. There are substitutes now, and I can't remember the details. The AV gas is color coded. I doubt u can get leaded gas for your generator, only the modern blends.
I’m not aware of any substitutions for 100LL (aviation gasoline aka avgas), in my immediate area, but since I sold my last airplane 2 years ago, I’ve had no need. Yes there are some newer aircraft engines designed to run on unleaded Mogas (car gas), and certain conventional aircraft engines can be modified to use it but not many. The higher displacement/horsepower aircraft engines, 360 to 540 cubic inches and up to 350 hp, must use 100LL gas. That’s most of the light, general aviation fleet and it’s sold at all airports with fuel service. For now. Research on substitute fuel continues.
$3.99 low to $6.85 high. That’s the price range for 100LL at airports in my area. Most from $4.50 - $5.50. Why anyone would pay that for a mower, generator, whatever, when non-ethanol gas is readily available, is beyond me.
As always, JMHO.