Chum lee wrote:
wopachop wrote:
Thats a lot of gas cans!! My buddy said you have to walk inside the gate. No vehicles allowed. He posted a picture and circled where the pumps are. Just double checked he wrote $3.50 and posted a picture of his gas cans. Appears to be light blue in color.
Well then, . . . rather than just "listening to your buddy" I suggest you go try it today! Please post your findings.
Chum lee
Most small "airports" that have any fuel do not just "allow" folks to walk in and buy AV gas, period.
In PA, you MUST have a VALID TAIL NUMBER for an AIRPLANE in order to even get close to the pumps let alone dispense and pay for it.
And YES, I have called a lot of small airports around me that have AV gas and received the same exact answer. Was concerned about running standard E10 in my impossible to replace early 1900 antique auto which does not get driven much and the gas may sit for months at a time. After chasing my tail I decided to not worry so much..Yeah I fell for all of the mass hysteria that it will doom anything it touches.
So far after 9 yrs of ownership and the vehicle sitting over the winter I am happy to report no damaged carb, no gunked up carb, no damage to the engine and I have never drained out the gas from the tank.
I have several generators and even a push lawnmower several chainsaws, weed eater in the same situation and after many yrs of ownership, no damage to the carb, no damage to the engine, no gunked up tank, no plugged filters, starts first or second time and runs well.
And no, I do not "treat" the gas..
Also pretty much in any state you are not pay "road taxes", getting caught with blue died AV gas will result in a lot of Federal hassles with tax evasion.
And by the way, carbs for most small engines ARE dirt cheap, $18-$30.. Not worth paying $3+ for AV fuel.