because he's young, and still just "starting out".
He bought a TC a few years ago, he and I worked on it - extensively - and got the existing solar panel hooked up and working, added a sink and water - and made it habitable.
He sold that and purchased a travel trailer for 1000.00 - and parts of the floor were rotting out - he used it last summer - and then sold it for salvage and made a profit from it.
Now he's spent a bunch more money on a TC - which is in really good shape - but right now he's cash strapped.
If he had the extra cash, he'd throw solar, and go with Li for power - but right now he's got the unit and is looking to come up with a way to boondock - on the cheap - until he makes more money and I can go to Oregon (from Colorado) to help him get solar, and better batteries and find more space to store stuff.
the Opposite end of that discussion is my friend who just bought a 40' Toyhauler and is replacing the entire power distribution system that has Charger/Inverter in one device (PD) and purchased four Li batteries so he can run his generator once a day for a couple of hours and recharge enough for his boondocking - but not conserve...
A lot of it has to do with where you are financially in life - and what you can afford versus what's practical.