OP Here. We all know the care and feeding of batteries - especially given the cost for them versus the cost of maintenance (which is relatively cheap).
I've ruined more batteries in my life by adding tap water to them, by not fully recharging and desulfating them periodically.
From the great advice I've been given here in this forum, I've learned and been able to keep my batteries in good shape with minimal loss of capacity because of a few, easy maintenance items.
The best advice given to me recently from all of you was to check the water levels, fully charge, desulfate and disconnect the batteries here in Denver (I was in Los Angeles before) - fully charged batteries don't freeze - and that's not something I would have thought of moving to Denver.
For that Thank you all so much!
For my cousin, he's just starting out on his adventure - and the path of least resistance and lowest cost of maintenance is an external charger - which has a maintenance mode (trickle charger).
He's going to remove his battery when it's not used, slap the charger on it, and store it at his house - not in the TC when not in use.
I know. Not optimal - but it's better than using the WFCO to charge the battery (which could take days if it ever fully charges the battery) and it remains permanently undercharged.
He and I did discuss moving to Li or AGM which is why he's looking at an external charger which is designed to charge all three of the major battery types (FLA, AGM Li). For now though, it's basic maintenance and he can enjoy his new to him TC for the summer - and he can save his pennies until he can upgrade.