Gene&Ginny wrote:
The lable on the Wally World battery did say "122 AH @1 amp", that really threw me.
I will make it easy for you.
It does not matter (with one exception) who made the battery
A Group 24 is about 75 amp hours
A group 27 around 95
A group 29 around 105
A group 31 around 130
All are plus/minus 10%
The Exception: OPTIMA batteries are 60% of the above (Other 40% is wasted space that is air).
GC-2 (golf car SiX volt can be
210,215,220,230 =,240 or 250 with 220 and 230 being most common.
YOU need to talk to the store about those.
Anothr way is to weight the puppies.. Pounds per watt-hour (12 times amp hours) is right close to a constant.
A 100 pound battery has twice the capacity of a 50 pounder
This is why thy use GC-2 instead of 4D
Each GC-2 weighs nearly exactly half the 4d and since you use two of them in series to get 12 volt.. You get a 4D. Way easier to wrangle
(Cheaper too).