Lyle - If you're going for price to AH capacity as the deciding factor, then hard to beat the Sams GC2's.
If you are more concerned about AH capacity vs price, then look to see if the Trojan T-125 or T-145 will fit. I also know a few who had the room and changed to the Trojan 12V T-1275 Plus. X's 2 will yield 300AH's capacity.
Sams GC2's are the easy and relatively disposable price point approach from both a budget point, and from a point of not being overly concerned on having higher AH capacity.
The mentioned Trojan's are the easy choice to maximize AH capacity in limited space, and with a wallet hurting capability:)!
That higher price point for the Trojans say over the Sams GC2's, will probably yield more life usage, so some of those higher costs could be recaptured 'if' the batteries due yield longer life:)!
(Stayed with Wet Cells here, obviously other choices of brands and battery types when you jump to AGM's.)
No right or wrong answer here, it's about your usage and budget points:)!
Best to you,