They are worse because you can't equalize them--they would vent and soon be out of electrolyte. You can "condition" them, but that is an equalization on wimpy pills.
One company is saying only 500 cycles for 50% discharge on L-16.
AGM do recharge faster so generator charging should be more affordable.
I'm sure some of you want to know why I want so many amp-hours. It is because I cold weather RV and at 0 C (32 f) capacity is down to 65%. I do see -40 every year. That is why Li chemistry is not on the table for me.
I'm 67 and will most probably no longer use my rv when I'm 75. The Surrette's are total replacement for 2 years, and prorated for 5 additional years.
brulaz wrote:
And maybe separate issue: are AGMs better or worse at surviving partial charge regimes? For example, first day can only recharge to 90%, second day to 80%, ... , fifth day to 50% and then break camp to find a 120VAC plug. Would AGMs or FLAs survive this better over the long run?