If trying to minimize charge times, and if doing various dod cycles, the charger would have to be sized for the deepest discharges. So a 50% dod on a 400Ah bank would require 200a of charging. But if you never go below say 70%soc on a 400Ah bank, a 120a charger would suffice, and amps would taper from the beginning (instant Vabs charging).
As I've pointed out, a 1a/-1Ah charge rate is quite normal for abs/cv charging. The bank will take care of itself, charging amps wise. As soc rises, and battery acceptance drops, charging amps will naturally follow the banks lead. But to deliver less amps than the bank can accept, at any given moment, only serves to prolong charge times.
Of course, there is a limit as to how far to push things, and battery temps should indicate if the charge rate is too high.