IMMHO it would be good for 200 amp hours if you could completely charge the bank daily. This is where a 70 amp generator charge for one hour then solar for the remaining would be ideal. My electro-chemical curiosity is whispering to me that sufficiently high amperage somehow ionizes the plate surface making it more affable to return sulfates to the acid saturated mat.
By the way, Mil-Spec requires an insane amount of documentation using NIST registered test equipment, and clearly defined test protocols with corroborative definitions.
To the best of my knowledge Concorde is the solitary OEM that utilizes these protocols on their consumer products. Their AGM batteries power military aircraft including the B2 and F34 craft. I weep when I see the cost of their group 31-T batteries, but weeping is healthier than raging when a 135 dollar Wal-Mart flooded 31 turns out to be near worthless. What's cheaper, a three hundred fifty dollar battery every ten years or four, hundred and thirty five dollar batteries, plus the warranty chase gasoline and destroyed vacations, or alternative energy usage? Penny-wise and dollar stupid...