Joel_T wrote:
I'd never thought of getting a big enough load on the batteries to make sure the controller allowed the max amps from the panels out to the batteries.
You won't get more amps to the batteries. Applying loads when battery is full or near full would result in the increased current from controller, yes. As long as there is enough solar input for that increase. But this is LOADS that demand this current, not the battery.
Good news is that you will be using "extra" solar energy without affecting battery SOC and life. This is what solar-savvy campers know and use to their benefit, charging laptops and running other loads in the afternoon when battery is already full and there is still some sun.
Controllers over $100 normally have a display that reads charging current. As an ammeter, Trimetric would be a bit overpriced. Though in your case you need the Tri in order to activate all the adjustments on this controller.
Grizzzman - SC2030 without the Tri will work, yes. In this configuration it would have no adjustments. The question was - what would happen if you wire it to panels only. Without the Tri and without battery.