There are a bunch of what is called parasitic drains that are always connected to the 12V battery system. These are all 12VDC drains so seeing 24V will most likely do them in. Here's hoping their individual fuses protected them. These are control boards, sensors, AM/FM radios main chassis and controls, microwave control boards, air conditioner control boards, any 12v lights that were on, your slide motor was operated - that is probably toast now, etc etc etc...
This could be a bunch of money needed to get back to normal...
As my drill Sargent would say "Bend over Son"
Or one of those oldie Classic County Music Lyrics song "What Was I Thinking" comes to mind...
Sure would love to know how this is going to turn out... If it was me that did this I can tell you exactly how it would turn out haha...
Hang in there ... Hopefully the 12VDC fuses saved you big time
I would definitely look for the two large value DC FUSES on your 12VDC Distribution Panel that is marked REVERSED POLARITY fuses... They will open up the 12VDC path feeding the 12VDC Distribution Panel. These will be two ATC fuses off to themself
Roy Ken