MEXICOWANDERER: You speak the truth. More clearly, I would say that equalizing makes the concentration of sulfuric acid IN the electrolyte equal (specific gravity) not to confuse it with the physical surface level of the electrolyte. Yeah, yeah, splitting hairs, . . . I know. But the OP did say that he wanted to equalize the batteries not, desulfate them. Regular equalizing will desulfate batteries but it is supposed to be done after the batteries are fully charged. (bulk, absorbtion, etc.) In some cases, since the plates are so badly sulfated you have to shock the sulfate off the plates with volts.
I've had deeply discharged/sulfated 6 volt batteries sit on a 10 amp charger for two days @ +-1 amp charge at +-7.5 volts, . . . . nothing. Then slowly the amps started coming back up to about 8 then charge for another 24 hours and they were fine. Just lucky I guess. But then I've had some that went straight to the recycle yard.
Chum lee