C'mon people. A little research would benefit some of this. A common but not universal standard for voltage suppression in newer vehicles is 17.0 volts. Protection is for transients not continuous potential. I've seen devices with 16.0 volt rated TVS but they are accessories not vehicle components.
MOST of today's alternator designs use A circuit regulation. Ignition feed to one brush, through the rotor out the other brush, to the regulator then to negative. The regulator therefore "grounds" the field to varying degrees. Some vehicles use a voltage regulator that is contained within the vehicle's ECU. The regulator and ECU gossip constantly. Excess ripple, a disproportionate alternator field current to battery system voltage RISE CURVE can trigger an error message. A huge heatsink and lots of chassis area to stuff MOVs and TVS makes this arrangement appealing to OEM. Supposedly (never verified) a catastrophic full-field situation in my toad will shut the engine down via a signal to the fuel pump relay to cease and desist.
Why not drink and drive home fast? That way a person will get there faster and feel good about doing it.
Batteries SHOULD BE utterly isolated when undergoing true equalization. I designed Quicksilver so the L16's can be isolated, the power supply feeds the hotel, and the charger dives into the batteries.
Some things amaze me. The laziness of some folks is high on the list. It's like listening to them explain they never have to leave their easy chair and miss a moment of double-digit IQ grade television. Piece of cake. When the kids upstairs are making too much noise a few rounds from a .357 through the ceiling corrects things pushbutton style.
A driver who ignores a CHECK ENGINE LIGHT deserves all the bad Juju that their IGNORance is going to cost them. And it's going to cost them plenty. "Oh gee whiz the refrigerator board hot water heater controls and air conditioning thermostat have all gone bad. But it's been months since the alternator fried and I drove until they had to put the fire out". They've NEVER bothered to read the vehicle's owner manual telling them in single syllables to NOT do what they insisted on doing.
Many times a person is their own worst enemy. The brain is miraculous at having the ability to outsmart itself.