After two, not three or four, sniffs, H2S obliterates the olfactory sense. Cannot smell it anymore. We had extensive training in the refinery*. Regarding the remark about H2S and cyanide: inhalation of potassium cyanide is 100% fatal. A snort of H2S is not fatal but it does not take long to poison the system perhaps ten or twelve breaths.
MSA Mine Safety Appliance gear.
Emissions from batteries include H2SO4, hydrogen, oxygen, H2S, SO2, etc. Heavier (saturated) vapors can carry limited amounts of lead and antimony.
Simple electrolysis produces 02 and hydrogen. Complex electrolysis produces various compounds involving, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.
I just read the news account: Something is BADLY amiss here. H2S does NOT dissipate from the blood easily. WTH. When it kills by inhalaton, it stops body functions in its tracks -100% shutdown-
How did H2S get into the victims urine? Being a paramedic I am aware of this stuff.
Somebody with more credentials needs to perform a 2nd autopsy. H2S
H2S in the presence of 02 changes to H2SO4
Somebody screwed up royally on this one - and as usual the news media goes for the jugular -If It Bleeds It Leads-